Form di ricerca


ATTENTION: this admission procedure is mandatory and allows you to obtain the admission to Second Cycle Master Degree Programmes (2-year Master Degree Courses) of Politecnico di Bari.



As established by our Senato Accademico (academic senate) - during the meeting which took place on 29th June 2020 - and by the Rectoral Decree issued on 30th April 2021, the application for the admission requests for Second Cycle Master Degree Programmes (2-year courses) will be possible within the following dates:

  • from 20th July to 15th September 2020

  • from 1st to 15th October 2020

  • from 1st to 15th November 2020

  • from 1st to 15th December 2020

  • from 5th to 20th January 2021

  • from 1st to 15th February 2021

  • from 1st to 15th March 2021

  • from 1st to 15th April 2021

  • from 1st to 10th May 2021

  • from 10th June 2021 to 20th June 2021


The procedure on Esse3 platform will be available only in these periods of time, no submissions are possible outside these dates.



Here the “admission requirements” to be verified(in this order):

  1. Curricular requirements concerning:

  1. The possession of the eligible entry qualification (1st cycle Degree or any other achieved and adequate education qualification) defined by the Regolamento Didattico (didactic regulations) of the desired Master Degree course.

  2. The possession of a specific minimum number of achieved ECTS – this control is carried out on the basis of specific groups of Italian Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SDS) defined by the Regolamento Didattico (didactic regulations) of the desired Master Degree Course. An examination of the academic curriculum will be carried out for foreign education qualifications.

  1. Individual competences and skills suitability: examination of the individual knowledge according to the Regolamento Didattico of the desired Master Degree Course;

  2. Language proficiency verification: for all our Master Degree Courses it is required a specific minimum level of English proficiency, which is established by the Regolamento Didattico. IMPORTANT: for non-EU candidates who need a Study VISA for Italy please read art. 6 of our Regulation for Admission to Second Cycle Master Degree Programmes in Engineering (2-year courses)


For further information regarding the requirements verification, you are kindly asked to carefully read the dedicated paragraph within the Regulation for Admission to Second Cycle Master Degree Programmes in Engineering (2-year courses)




The candidate submits the application through the dedicated procedure on Esse3 Platform within the section Registrar's Office (Segreteria) --> Admission Test (Test di ammissione/Concorsi) (ATTENTION: check the available dates written within the paragraph “Available application dates” during which you can submit the application) by choosing the desired Master Degree Course (called “Preferenza”) and by uploading the required documents (see paragraph “Application attachments”). Candidates can apply only for one Master Degree Course.

At the end of the available application period, the Admission Office will elaborate all the application requests through an administrative check:

  • on the basis of the provided documents in order to verify the required details by the procedure (completion, suitability);

  • on the basis of the defined requirements (see paragraph “Admission requirements”).



During the application candidates must upload the following mandatory documents:

Valid Identity Document

Accepted identity documents:

  • European ID card (accepted only for Italian or EU citizens);

  • European driving license;

  • Passport (this is a mandatory document for non-EU candidates).



Previous academic career documents

Candidates with an higher-education qualification achieved within the Italian system must provide:

  • a self-declaration of their own previous academic career by filling in the self-declaration form. According to the Italian law 183/2011 and its subsequent amendments and integrations, these candidates will not be asked to produce and provide certifications.

  • a self-declaration of the high-school diploma is mandatory for candidates who didn’t get their Bachelor Degree qualification at Politecnico di Bari.

Candidates with foreign qualifications are obliged to certify their career by uploading the following documents:

  • certificate of their final secondary educational leaving qualification issued by the foreign institution and the official translation (in Italian or in English language);

  • Certificate of their 1st cycle academic qualification– including the list of the achieved exams – and the certified translation.

Further details are described within Regulation for Admission to Second Cycle Master Degree Programmes in Engineering (2-year courses).


Optional attachments:

Language Certificates

The required level of knowledge of the English language can be proved through one of these options:

  • certificate of English language proficiency recognized by Politecnico di Bari according to the Common European Framework of References for languages (CEFR). For certificates issued by the Trinity College, Politecnico di Bari accepts only “ISE” certificates (“GRADE” certificates are not accepted). Click here to check the recognized English Certifications at Politecnico di Bari (SEE CHART HERE)

  • English proficiency test at our Centro Linguistico di Ateneo You can find information about dates and modalities within the webpage of our Centro Linguistico di Ateneo ( )

  • for Master Degree Courses for which it is required a B1 English level knowledge, candidates must have passed at least one English language exam within the achieved bachelor degree career.

For non-EU candidates who need a Study VISA for Italy:  it is possible to upload as well the Italian language certificates.

If you don’t have it and you want to apply for an Italian-taught Master Degree Course, please check your obligations and fulfil your duties described within the Part III of the Procedures issued by the Italian Ministry for Universities and Research for Entry, Residency and Enrolment at Higher Education Institutions for Students Requiring VISAS for higher Education Courses in Italy (


Any other useful document for the evaluation.


As soon as possible, Politecnico di Bari will communicate on this webpage:

  • when and how to register for the interviews regarding the individual competences and skills suitability;

  • when and how to register for the English proficiency test.



If the requirements (1, 2 or 3) are not satisfied, the candidate cannot obtain the admission (eligibility to enrolment) and will receive information regarding other possible requirements and steps to fulfil (see Regulations).

The eligible candidate to admission obtains the possibility to enrol for the academic year 2020/21 for the Master Degree Course for which the application was submitted, according to the procedures published on our official webpage from 20th September 2020 to 30th June 2021




For further information please contact the Admission Office only through our TICKETING/HELPDESK service ( choosing only one of these categories:

  • Concorsi e prove di amm.

  • Imm. Magistrali

Otherwise we do not guarantee you any kind of service support. Our TICKETING/HELPDESK service is  provided only during  the usual office hours. The Office will inform only the concerned parties.

You are kindly asked to carefully read the instructions.