Form di ricerca

How to fill the form

Please note that you can submit only one request and you cannot modify it once submitted. So be sure to have all the documents you need to do it and carefully enter all information.

Read the instructions

Please remind that for a pre-evaluation request, you have to pay an amount of € 50,00 through an international bank transfer (account holder: POLITECNICO DI BARI- IBAN: IT07O0311104001000000004208 - payment description: PRE-EVALUATION REQUEST). We need at least 10 weeks to evaluate your pre-evaluation request; meanwhile we kindly ask you to wait the answer without submitting again the request.

Please remind that:

  • The pre-evaluation request does not replace the pre-enrolment procedure that you have to follow at the Italian Diplomatic Authority in your country;
  • We will ask you the Dichiarazione di Valore when you enrol; without this document, unless you are a refugee, we will not allow you to enrol;
  • We have only limited places for non-EU candidates, so do not be late with the VISA procedures.

When you submit the request, you assume legal responsibility of all the contents you upload.

Go to the request