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Explanatory notes about the Course Catalogue

The Course Catalogue lists, according to the rules stated in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), all the individual educational components available at Politecnico di Bari in the current Academic Year.
Each course is composed of one, two, or more modules. The Course Catalogue lists separately all the modules, specifying the course to which they belong. An hyperlink to the syllabus is available for each course.
As regards the language of the courses, those in the International Master's Programmes are offered in English, while others are offered, as a rule, in Italian only. However, for many modules in Italian, an individual support in English, and/or courseware in English, is available. Further information may be obtained by the teacher of each specific module.
Courses are classified in three levels:
Basic courses, which are first-year courses common to all Engineering Degree Programmes;
Bachelor's courses, belonging to three-year Degree Programmes;
Master's courses, belonging to two-year Degrees Programmes.
Politecnico di Bari offers also single-cycle five-year Degree Programmes. In this cases, courses of year 1, 2 and 3 are listed as "bachelor's", while courses in year 4 and 5 are in the "master's" list.
Incoming mobility students are allowed to choose any of the offered courses or modules. The only requirement is the compatibility of the chosen educational components, as regards the timetable and the planned dates of mobility. Besides, the chosen educational components (Learning Agreement) must be approved by the sending Institution.
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