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Pubblicazioni su riviste ISI con revisori

  • ARICO' C., CORATO, G., TUCCIARELLI, T., BEN MEFTAH, M., MOSSA, M., PETRILLO, A.(2010) - "Discharge estimation in open channels by means of water level hydrograph analysis ". IAHR - Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 48, No. 5, 612-619, 2010.
  • BEN MEFTAH M., MOSSA M., POLLIO A. (2010) ) - "Considerations on shock wave/boundary layer interaction in undular hydraulic jumps in horizontal channels with a very high aspect ratio", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B/FLUIDS 29, pp: 415-429, ISSN: 0997-7546.
  • BRUNO D., DE SERIO F., MOSSA M. (2009) ) - "The FUNWAVE model application and its validation using laboratory data."; COASTAL ENGINEERING, 56, pp. 773-787, ISSN: 0378-3839.
  • DAMIANI L., F.ARISTODEMO, A. SAPONIERI, B. VERBENI, P.VELTRI, D. VICINANZA (2010)- "Full scale experiments on a bds: hydrodynamic effects inside the beach" , JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH (in revisione).
  • LISI I., MOLFETTA M.G., BRUNO M.F., DI RISIO M. DAMIANI L.(2010) - "Morphodynamic classification of sandy beaches in enclosed basins: the case study of Alimini (Italy)" , JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, S.I.64, ISSN 0749-0208 (in stampa)
  • DI RISIO M., DE GIROLAMO P., BELLOTTI G., PANIZZO A., ARISTODEMO F., MOLFETTA M.G., PETRILLO A. F. (2009) ) - "Landslide-generated tsunamis runup at the coast of a conical island: New physical model experiments." JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, vol. 114, C01009, doi:10.1029/2008JC004858.
  • MALCANGIO D., PETRILLO A.F. (2009) ) - "Modeling of brine outfall at the planning stage of desalination plants" . DESALINATION, vol. 254, pp. 114-125, ISSN: 0011-9164.
  • BEN MEFTAH M., DE SERIO F., MOSSA M., POLLIO A. (2008) ) - "Experimental study of recirculating flows generated by lateral shock waves in very large channels" . ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 8, pp. 215-238, ISSN: 1567-7419.
  • MOSSA M. (2008) ) - "Experimental study of the flow field with spilling type breaking" . JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, vol. 46, pp. 81-86, ISSN: 0022-1686. Extra issue 1.