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Workshop Token and Metaverse Economy

The “Token and Metaverse Economy” workshop organized by Polytechnic University of Bari will explore the next big wave in digital innovation: Token and Metaverse.
The new business models, entrepreneurial ideas, and valuable strategies emerging from these technologies will be presented by top global scholars and experts.

This workshop is funded by the EBIT (Ecosystems for Business Transformation) project and is one of the four events scheduled in Italy and Albania with the aim of creating an innovative cross-border hub in the South Adriatic. EBIT project is co-financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II). The workshop has been produced with the financial assistance of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme. 

Per il programma completo: CLICCA QUI

Workshop_Token and Metaverse Economy